Special Collections & Archives
Wake Forest Institutional Records
Board of Trustees Records, starting 1834 (RG2.2):
Bursar’s Office. Worth Hart Copeland Records (RG17.4)
Charles Elisha Taylor Papers (MS111)
Wake Forest University Euzelian and Philomathesian Society Debate Topics
“History of Wake Forest” timeline
John Brown White Papers (MS164)
Literary Societies. Euzelian Society Records (RG6.2)
Literary Societies. Philomathesian Society Records (RG6.1)
Registrar’s Office Records (RG20)
Treasurer’s Office. William Crenshaw Account Books (RG25.1)
Wake Forest College Treasurer. First treasurer’s book. Wake Forest College. Wake Forest, N.C.: Wake Forest Institute, 1833-1838. (LD5721 W493 W36)
Wake Forest Original Campus Collection
Wake Forest Student Magazine
Washington Manly Wingate Papers (MS123)
William Hooper Papers (MS56)
Manuscript Collections
Calvin Jones Papers (MS60)
James Simpson Purefoy Papers (MS93)
John Blount Estate Documents
Oscar Fitz Allen Baxter Autobiography (MS440)
Samuel and Sarah Wait Papers (MS117)
University and N.C. Baptist Biographical Files Collection (MS615)
William Boling Dunn, Senior, Papers (MS34)
William Crenshaw Papers (MS25)
William Tell Brooks Papers (MS12)
Selected Bibliography
American Anti-Slavery Society. The American anti-slavery almanac. Boston: Webster & Southard, 1835. (SCA E449 A509)
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, 1836-1845. (ZSR E449 A5092)
Benezet, Anthony and John Wesley. Views of American slavery: taken a
century ago. Philadelphia: Association of Friends for the Diffusion of
Religious and Useful Knowledge, 1858. (SCA E446 B48 1858)
Byrd, W. Carson. Poison in the Ivy: Race Relations and the Reproduction of Inequality on Elite College Campuses. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers
University Press, 2017. (ZSR LC212.42 .B97 2017)
Capps, Mathew. “Study of the Built Landscape of the Original Campus of
Wake Forest University” (2019): https://wakespace.lib.wfu.edu/handle/10339/94331
Channing, William Ellery. Slavery. Boston: James Munroe and Co. 1836. (SCA https://find.zsr.wfu.edu/Alphabrowse/Home?source=lcc&from=E449%2BC454%2B1836“>E449 C454 1836)
Harris, Leslie M. “Higher Education’s Reckoning with Slavery,” American
Association of University Professors. Winter 2020. https://www.aaup.org/article/higher-education%E2%80%99s-reckoning-slavery/
Kean, Melissa. Desegregating Private Higher Education in the South: Duke,
Emory, Rice, Tulane, and Vanderbilt. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State
University Press, 2008. (ZSR LC214.22.S68 K43 2008)
Lane, Lunsford. The narrative of Lunsford Lane: formerly of Raleigh, N.C.,
embracing an account of his early life, the redemption by purchase of
himself and family from slavery, and his banishment from the place of his
birth for the crime of wearing a colored skin. 1848. (ZSR Mandelbaum
Room Microtext SLA 1994)
Macaulay, Zachary. Negro slavery: or, A view of some of the more
prominent features of that state of society, as it exists in the United States of America and in the colonies of the West Indies, especially in Jamaica. 1823. (SCA E446 M11 1823)
McMinnis, Maurie D. and Louis P. Nelson, Editors. Educated in Tyranny:
Slavery at Thomas Jefferson’s University. University of Virginia Press,
2019. (ZSR LD5678.3 .E48 2019)
Mell, P. H. Slavery: a treatise, showing that slavery is neither a moral,
political, nor social evil. Unknown, 1844. (SCA E449 S62 1844)
National Democratic Union Club. African slavery regarded from an unusual
stand-point: territorial abstractions ignored as now immaterial, and a more
radical issue raised. Unknown, 1860. (SCA E445 P3 N3 1860)
Paschal, George Washington. The History of Wake Forest University, vol.
1-3. Wake Forest, NC: Wake Forest College, 1935.
(ZSR LD5721.W52 P3 1935) https://wakespace.lib.wfu.edu/handle/10339/33244
Presbyterian Church in Connecticut. General Association. Committee on
the Sin of Slavery. Minority report of a committee of the General
Association of Connecticut, on the sin of slavery: Presented, June 1849, at
the meeting of the Association, at Salisbury, Conn. (SCA E441 P747
“Slave Narratives in ZSR Special Collections,” subject guide, 2020. https://zsr.wfu.edu/special/research/guides/slave-narratives-in-zsr-special-collections/
Torrey, Jesse. A portraiture of domestic slavery, in the United States. 1817. Philadelphia : Published by the author. (SCA E446 T69 1817)
Wachs, Ronald, “(Duty) Against Family: A Vermont Minister Adopts a Slave
State,” Vermont History: Proceedings of the Vermont Historical Society, vol. 41, no. 1 (1973 Winter) https://wakespace.lib.wfu.edu/handle/10339/95994
Watson, Elizabeth. The Importance of Past and Place to What Lies Ahead: Report to Wake Forest University on the University’s Relationship with the Wake Forest Historical Museum. (2018). https://prod.wp.cdn.aws.wfu.edu/sites/251/2019/06/The-Importance-of-Past-and-Place-to-What-Lies-Ahead.pdf
Wesley, John. Thoughts upon slavery. London: printed; And sold by Joseph Cruickshank,1774. (SCA E446 W46 T4 1774)
Compiled by Finley Turner, Rebecca Petersen May, Stephanie Bennett, and Tanya Zanish-Belcher (Special Collections & Archives, ZSR Library)
- Foreward
- Beyond Nostalgia: Towards an Inclusive Pro Humanitate
- An Apology
- From the Forest of Wake to Wake Forest College
- Defending the Indefensible: Wake Forest, Baptists and the Bible
- The Waits, Women and Slavery
- Reflections on the Original Wake Forest College Campus and Cemetery
- Examining Our Past, Enriching Our Future: The Slavery, Race and Memory Project at Wake Forest University
- Lest We Forget
- Selected Bibliography and University Archival Resources
- Contributors

Essays from the Wake Forest University Slavery, Race and Memory Project
Edited by Corey D.B. Walker